Deepak Chopra is a renowned speaker and author known for his expertise in self-help and alternative medicine. J.K. Rowling rules the world of fiction and Potter-heads can never get enough of her work. Barkha Dutt is known for her dedication and strong zeal in the world of journalism. Indira Nooyi has been recognized as one of the greatest businesswomen of our times. There’s one thing all these individuals have in common. They are each, an industry expert in their field. They know it and the world knows it.
Industry experts and thought leaders indisputably have a leg-up in today’s business world. They are acknowledged as the go-to expert. Their thoughts and opinions matter. They are sought after when it comes to trends, updates, and other decision-making activities in the industry. But how does one get there? Knowing one’s subject cold is only half of the process. The second half comes in making consistent efforts to network, market yourself, and make an impact within your industry. Thankfully, it’s not as hard it seems. Here are a few tried-and-trusted strategies you can use to establish your expertise.
Live conferences & public speaking
Industry events, conferences, trade shows, forums, conventions, and more – every industry and niche is backed by multiple platforms and experts. Partaking in these events give you a fair opportunity to weigh in your opinions on urgent bottle-necks within the industry, present thoughtful notes, and thereby, position yourself as an innovative industry expert. It also gives you the opportunity to network with the big-shots and find your tribe.
Keep your finger on the pulse
A few months ago, tax regulations took a turn and GST was the buzzword. Merchants, employees, industrialists, entrepreneurs, and every other taxpayer was scouring the internet in hopes of understanding the new change. Given the recent turn of events, many accountants and financiers took the opportunity to address queries, debunk the GST debacle, and provide expert assistance. Therein lies the importance of being up-to-date on the latest industry trends and using opportunities to voice one’s expertise.
Publish your thoughts
Publishing blogs and articles online can give you a foothold in your niche. By predicting upcoming changes in your market, analyzing the current industrial situation, and initiating debates over topics of concern, you can make an impact and thereby, get recognized as a thought leader. LinkedIn and Medium are great platforms to publish relevant blogs, articles, and connect with other professionals.
Network through Social Media
In an era when people are bombarded with information, ‘value’ is your selling ticket. Of course, memes and gifs are fun. But where thought leadership is concerned, you might want to watch out for key terms and scan platforms to see if your target audience have a question that’s within your area of expertise. Wherever possible, participate in important discussions. Provide assistance. Post information and other content collateral that can be of value to your colleagues. The idea is to educate, engage, and inspire. Having a consistent and efficient social media strategy can make all the difference.
Choose the right podium
Orators need a podium. Artists need a canvas, and writers need a blank page. All your marketing efforts are naught if you aren’t on the right platform! While live conferences and social media sites like LinkedIn are great venues, it helps to look for new platforms and cut through the clutter. Monjin, for instance, is a leading video-interviewing platform where industry experts use their experience and technical knowledge to vet & assess candidates for top-notch organizations. As a pre-certified interviewer at Monjin, you get to hone your skills, provide valuable feedback and position yourself as a unique brand name. If you like the idea of networking with industry moguls and finding your tribe, simply sign-up with Monjin as a pre-certified interviewer.